Last friday on February 15th I went to Etude Time 3 media gathering in Grand City Surabaya. This is the first time they held the largest annual event in here, outside Jakarta. The theme is ''Express Your Love with Etude House''. They also introduced ''Sweet Recipe",the newest collection that will available in all stores at the end of April 2013. Sweet Recipe is inspired by the fairy tale that comes in sweet and candy colored packaging. There's a lot activities that we can do such as make up competition, cover dance competition, jingle competition, beauty workshop, make up demo by korean make up artist, fashion show, live DJ, and games.
Chris Coi(Business Development Representative Etude House Korea) and Melia Erlina(General Manager Etude House Indonesia) also participate in this event.
Sweet Recipe collection is consist of base, lipstick, lipgloss, eyeshadow, and highlighter. The base is known as Sweet Recipe baby choux base. It comes in 3 different shade: mint for the red-ish skin , peach for the tired face, and berry for the pale toned face. The texture itself is so creamy and gives natural glowing finish. Sweet Recipe Cupcake All over Color is a lipstick that has 3 functions in one : as a blusher, lip gloss, and eye shadow base. It comes in 5 colors. Here's the Sweet Recipe collection:
sneak peek of the Sweet Recipe collection:
a super sweet gift from Etude House Indonesia. Don't forget to visit the event in Grand City from 13 - 17 February 2013! and grab your favorite sweet recipe collection at the end of april!